Manuscript Requirements

  1. Authors contributing to the Journal Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Literatury i Yazyka (The Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Studies in Literature and Language) are required to adhere to publication ethics. See Publishing Ethics.
  2. All manuscripts of articles should be submitted electronically at (The editors might request a paper copy.) The non-standard fonts, if used, should be included.
  3. The contributors will be requested to sign the License Agreement after their articles are accepted for publication.
  4. A cover letter should contain the following information about the author: full name (last name, first name, and patronymic, if available); postal address; affilation and job title; scholarly degree and rank; telephone number; e-mail address.
  5. Manuscripts not accepted for publication are not returned to contributors.
  6. Previously published materials and materials being considered for publication by editors of other journals (redundant and duplicate publications) are not considered acceptable.
  7. The authors of book reviews are requested to provide a copy of the reviewed book. (After the editorial process is over, the books are returned to the reviewers at their request.)