The manuscript review process
General Principles
1. The Editorial Board of the journal Izvestiya RAN. Seriya literatury i yazyka considers original essays and publications in Russian or main European languages that are relevant to the journal’s subject matter and have not been previously published as well as archive materials with an introductory essay.
2. Essays shall be submitted via email
3. The submitted materials are originally considered on the subject of
- compliance of the submitted documents with the journal’s requirements
- their compliance with the journal’s formal requirements
Manuscripts that do not meet the requirements will not be accepted for publication; the author will be informed about refusal and its reasons.
4. Manuscripts that meet formal requirements but are not relevant to the journal’s subject scope may be rejected or returned to the author for revision based on the decision of the Editorial Board.
5. Manuscripts that are relevant to the journal's subject scope and meet the journal’s formal requirements will be sent to two independent reviewers in the field (cf. Reviewing Process).
6. It takes the maximum of month to have the manuscript reviewed. At the end of this period or earlier, the author will receive a letter with the following recommendations:
- accept for publication;
- accept with minor revisions;
- revise and resubmit (if substantial revisions are required);
- reject.
7. All articles submitted to the editorial board of the Izvestiya RAN. Seriya literatury i yazyka undergo a mandatory double-blind reviewing (the reviewer does not know the author of the manuscript, the author of the manuscript does not know the reviewer). If the reviewer recommends that the author revises/makes minor revisions and resubmits the manuscript, he or she will be sent a partial review with suggestions without indicating the reviewer’s name, job title, and place of work. In case of rejection, the author will receive a motivated refusal.
8. The essay rejected by reviewers shall not be resubmitted or considered at the Editorial Board meeting.
9. Manuscripts that received positive reviews will be considered at the Editorial Board meeting and included in the plan for publication. The author will receive a letter indicating the possible date of publication.
10. The order of the publication of manuscripts is determined by the registration date of the manuscript submission. The Editorial Board reserves the right to publish manuscripts of particular significance and novelty out of turn.
11. The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit the materials’ content and style, to abridge them if necessary in agreement with the author or if the essay’s subject matter is of interest to the journal, ask the author to revise it.
12. The author will receive an electronic version of the issue and one free of charge paper issue containing the published essay.
Steps in the Review Process
1. All manuscripts submitted to the journal should be registered by the assistant editors and then sent to the Editor-In-Chief or Deputy Editor-In-Chief, who distribute the manuscripts among the editorial board members knowledgeable of the subject.
Each member of the editorial board has a right to write the first review or to suggest an external reviewer / reviewers – experts in the field.
3. As soon as the Editor-In-Chief officially appoints the reviewer, the assistant editors contact the reviewer and forward the manuscript accompanied by a cover letter to him/her. It’s up to the reviewer whether he/she would receive a hard copy of the manuscript or its electronic version (an email attachment).
4. After the reviewers (the referees) have received a paper from the editor, they are required to provide individual critiques within a month.
5. The reviewers give feedback using either free form or closely following the guidelines suggested by the editorial board. The review should be printed out and signed by the referee and sent to the Editor-In-Chief or Deputy Editor-In-Chief. Also, the electronic version of the review should be emailed to the editors.
6. The editorial board discusses the review and pronounces one of the following decisions:
- accept without change or with minor revision;
- assign additional reviews;
- request for revisions and resubmission (revisions should be made by the author according to the suggestions, objections, and comments of the reviewers);
- reject the manuscript and inform the author of the reasons.
7. The authors of the submitted manuscripts are kept informed of the referees’ feedback. The assistant editor sends the unsigned versions of all the reviews to the contributor (via mail or by e-mail) with a cover letter. The marked-up text of the manuscript might be attached as well.
8. All reviews are double-blind, meaning that the reviewer does not know the author of the manuscript, the author of the manuscript does not know the reviewer.
9. The review can be ordered by the author from the assistant editors in print form or via e-mail. The authors are required to acknowledge in writing, or by e-mail, the receipt of the reviews and of the editorial board’s decision. By acknowledging the arrival of the review, the author is considered to acknowledge the fact that he/she made himself/herself familiar with its content.
10. If the author is willing to revise the manuscript, the editor usually agrees to reconsider the paper in its revised version and to send it to the referees. The review process goes on. It is recommended that in the new cover letter the author lists his/her revisions and explains the relevance of each change. After the revised version of the manuscript is received by the editors, the new date of submission is registered.
11. When the referee and the editors request minor revisions, the manuscript can be accepted for publication, providing that the author agrees to collaborate during the editing process.
12. If the author is unwilling to revise his work and submits a rebuttal letter, the editorial board has the right to decide whether the materials are to be published in the journal or rejected.