Mayakovsky’s Adjective Neologisms: Their Structure, Principles of Composition and Use in Contemporary Russian
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Mayakovsky’s Adjective Neologisms: Their Structure, Principles of Composition and Use in Contemporary Russian
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Jana Kitzlerova 
Occupation: Assistant Professor
Affiliation: Department of East European Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
Address: J. Palacha 2, 116 38 Praha 1, Czech Republic

This paper analyzes adjective neologisms, created either by connection of two already existing words or by connection of an existing word with neologism, occuring in the poetry of Vladimir Mayakovsky, their structure and their later use, especially in contemporary Russian. It is argued that the main principle of their composition is metonymy, and that creation of some of the neologisms is wrongly attributed to Mayakovsky, while others are still active in contemporary Russian even with unchanged semantics. Attention is paid also to the stylistic level of the usage of neologisms that is often the only indicator pointing to their development over time.

Mayakovsky; neologisms; adjectives; metonymy; contemporary Russian
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