The drawings and inscriptions from the typographical singing charter in the light of new findings from the Izmail Sreznevsky collection
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The drawings and inscriptions from the typographical singing charter in the light of new findings from the Izmail Sreznevsky collection
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Olga Sapozhnikova 
Occupation: Candidate of Philological Sciences, Research Fellow at the Research Department of the Manuscript Collections of The Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Affiliation: The Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg
Vadim Krysko
Affiliation: The V.V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

Among the materials from the Sreznevsky collection of transcribed copies, which recently has been made accessible to scholarship (The Library of the RAS, F 27), there are the copies of drawings from the so-called “Typographical Singing Charter” (Tipographsky Ustav) – an Old-Russian manuscript dating to the 11th – 12th centuries. The contour copies (prorisi) were made by Sreznevsky himself in the middle of the 19th century; they retain the drawings together with related inscriptions, the originals of which no longer exist. Owing to these newly recovered materials, it became possible to identify the name of the Old-Russian miniaturist and to set forth the up-to-date version of the drawings’ origins.

Old-Russian writing system, The Typographical Singing Charter, miniatures, extra-texts, Izmail I. Sreznevsky, collection of transcribed copies.
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