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It is a common place in the modern cognitive linguistics that metonymy and metaphor are cognitive phenomena rather than mere figures of speech. However, different cognitive basis of metonymy and of metaphor, as well as the clearand correct cognitive demarcation between metonymy and metaphor reveal that they appear to be rather different phenomena. The main point of this paper is that the cognitive mechanism of “complex thinking”, which is well-known in psychology, but hardly ever applied to linguistics, proves to be the cognitive basis for metonymy; the difference between “complex” and “conceptual” thinking is also helpful to distinguish between “conceptual metonymy” and “conceptual metaphor”. According to the cultural-historical approach, we can state that metonymy dominates in the pre-theoretical cultures, whereas metaphor emerges in the theoretical ones alongside the appearance of abstract “conceptual domains”. In order to illustrate these points with a brief case study, the semantic evolution of the Ancient Greek word ὕλη (matter) is considered.
Cognitive linguistics, cultural-historical psychology, complex thinking, metonymy, metaphor
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