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The study, for the first time, turns to the journalistic articles of D.V. Philosophov (1917 - 1918), which had not been reprinted or included in his lifetime author's collections. These articles address a number of topical problems linked with the cultural and educational policies on the eve and in the wake of the February and October Revolutions. The main attention is paid to the monuments of art (including the tsarist heritage) and to the situation around the humanities education. A particular concern is with the critique of the newly-drawn syllabus in the history of Russian literature for secondary schools, which followed upon the instructors' congress in Moscow, closed on January 4 (17), 1917, in which not only school teachers, but also professors and members of the Academy took part (including P. N. Sakulin, N.A. Kotlyarevsky). In addition, the concern is with the issue of moral responsibility of the history teachers before their pupils, after the Bolsheviks had come to power. As a result, as the article shows, Philosophov not only has formulated his position on the private issues of cultural policy and school education, but also has set forth his own vision of how spiritual values are being consolidated - values that hold the Nation together through our common history and literature. Simultaneously, the publicist entered the large-scale polemics of those years, about patriotism and the role of intelligentsia in the Age of Crisis.
D.V. Philosophov, D.S. Merezhkovsky, Z.N. Gippius, journalism, the February revolution, the October Revolution
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1. Filosofov D.V. Pod podozreniem // Rech'. 1917. 5 (18) sentyabrya. № 208 (3950). S. 1–2. [Philosophov, D.V. [Under Suspicion]. Rech’ [Speech]. 1917, 5 (18) September, No 208 (3950), P. 1‒2.] 
2. Filosofov D.V. Predosterezhenie // Rech'. 1917. 6 (19) oktyabrya. № 235 (3977). S. 2. [Philosophov, D.V. [Warning]. Rech’ [Speech]. 1917, 6 (19) October, No 235 (3977), P. 2.]
3. Benua A.N. Moi vospominaniya: V 2 t. T. 1. M.: Nau- ka, 1980. – 712 s. [Benua, A.N. Moi vospominaniya: V 2 t. T. 1 [My Memories. In 2 vols. Vol. 1]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1980, 712 p.]
4. Dzhon Styuart Dyurrant. Po materialam arhiva D.V. Filosofova // Lica: Biograficheskij al'manah. 5. M.; SPb.: Feniks; Atheneum, 1994. S. 444– 459. [Dzhon Styuart Dyurrant [Based on the Archives of D.V. Filosofov]. Lica: Biograficheskij al\'manah. 5 [Persons: Biographical Almanac. 5]. Moscow, St. Petersburg, Feniks; Atheneum Publ., 1994, P. 444‒459.]
5. Filosofov D.V. Chelovek i kniga // Rech'. 1917. 16 (29) yanvarya. № 14 (3756). S. 3. [Philosophov, D.V. [Man and Book]. Rech’ [Speech]. 1917, 16 (29) January, No 14 (3756), P. 3.]
6. Filosofov D.V. Zolotye sny // Rech'. 1917. 1 (14) aprelya. № 77 (3819). S. 3. [Philosophov, D.V. [Golden Dreams]. Rech’ [Speech]. 1917, 1 (14) April, No 77 (3819), P. 3.]
7. Filosofov D.V. “Segodnya” // Nash vek. 1918. 31 (18) marta. № 62 (86). S. 6. [Philosophov, D.V. [“Today”]. Nash vek [Our Century]. 1918, 31 (18) March, No 62 (86), P. 6.]
8. Filosofov D.V. Teoriya i praktika // Rech'. 1917. 23 fevralya (8 marta). № 51 (3793). S. 2. [Philosophov, D.V. [Theory and Practice]. Rech’ [Speech]. 1917, 23 February (8 March), No 51 (3793), P. 2.]
9. Filosofov D.V. Carskoe imushchestvo i narod // Rech'. 1917. 10 (23) marta. № 59 (3801). S. 2. [Philosophov, D.V. [Imperial Property and People]. Rech’ [Speech]. 1917, 10 (23) March, No 59 (3801), P. 2.]
10. Filosofov D.V. To bylo ranneyu vesnoj // Nash vek. 1918. 26 (13) marta. № 57 (81). S. 1‒2. [Philosophov, D.V. [That Was Early Spring]. Nash vek [Our Century]. 1918, 26 (13) March, No 57 (81), P. 1‒2.]
11. Filosofov D.V. Skify // Nash vek. 1918. 31 (18) marta. № 62 (86). S. 2. [Philosophov, D.V. [The Scythians]. Nash vek [Our Century]. 1918, 31 (18) March, No 62 (86), P. 2.]
12. Filosofov D.V. Sumerki // Nash vek. 1918. 21 (8) fev- ralya. № 30 (54). S. 1. [Philosophov, D.V. [Dusk]. Nash vek [Our Century]. 1918, 21 (8) February, No 30 (54), P. 1.]
13. Filosofov D.V. Vrag naroda // Nash vek. 1917. 1 (14) dekabrya. № 2. S. 1. [Philosophov, D.V. [Enemy of the People]. Nash vek [Our Century]. 1917, 1 (14) December, No 2, P. 1.]
14. Filosofov D.V. Literatura ili kul'tura. I // Rech'. 1917. 8 (21) yanvarya. № 7 (3749). S. 3. [Philosophov, D.V. [Literature or Culture. I]. Rech’ [Speech]. 1917, 8 (21) January, No 7 (3749), P. 3.]
15. Filosofov D.V. Literatura ili kul'tura? II // Rech'. 1917. 12 (25) yanvarya. № 10 (3752). S. 3. [Philosophov, D.V. [Literature or Culture. II]. Rech’ [Speech]. 1917, 12 (25) January, No 10 (3752), P. 3.]
16. Filosofov D.V. Istoriya i naciya // Nash vek. 1918. 2 iyulya (19 iyunya). № 106 (130). S. 1‒2.[Philosophov, D.V. [History and Nation]. Nash vek [Our Century]. 1918, 2 July (19 June), No 106 (130), P. 1‒2.]
17. Merezhkovskij D.S. Rossiya budet (Intelligenciya i narod) // Nash vek. 1918. 23 iyunya (10 iyunya). № 100 (124). S. 2; 28 (15) iyunya. № 103 (127). S. 2‒3. [Merezhkovskij, D.S. [Russia will be (Intelligentsia and People)]. Nash vek [Our Century]. 1918, 23 June (10 June), No 100 (124), P. 2; 28 (15) June, No 103 (127), P. 2‒3.]
18. Filosofov D.V. Pshenichnyj hleb // Rech'. 1917. 22 oktyabrya (4 noyabrya). № 249 (3991). S. 5.[Philosophov, D.V. [Wheat Bread]. Rech’ [Speech]. 1917, 22 October (4 Novemder), No 249 (3991), P. 5.]
19. Filosofov D.V. “Nemedlennye socialisty” // Nash vek. 1918. 13 aprelya (31 marta). № 72 (96). S. 1. [Philosophov, D.V. [“Immediate Socialists”]. Nash vek [Our Century]. 1918, 13 April (31 March), No 72 (96), P. 1.]
20. Filosofov D.V. V soyuze pisatelej // Vek. 1917. 23 noyabrya (6 dekabrya). № 1. S. 3. [Philosophov, D.V. [In the Writers\' Union]. Vek [Century]. 1917, 23 November (6 December), No 1, P. 3.]
21. Filosofov D.V. Otechestvo (K godovshchine 14-go dekabrya) // Nash vek. 1917. 14 (27) dekabrya. № 13. S. 1. [Philosophov, D.V. [Fatherland (To the Anniversary of December 14)]. Nash vek [Our Century]. 1917, 14 (27) December, No 13, P. 1.]
22. Filosofov D.V. Gore ot uma // Nash vek. 1918. 5 apre- lya (23 marta). № 66 (90). S. 2. [Philosophov, D.V. [Woe from Wit]. Nash vek [Our Century]. 1918, 5 April (23 March), No 66 (90), P. 2.]
23. Filosofov D.V. Svoboda i rabstvo // Nash vek. 1917. 24 dekabrya (6 yanvarya). № 22. S. 2.[Philosophov, D.V. [Freedom and Slavery]. Nash vek [Our Century]. 1917, 24 December (6 January), No 22, P. 2.]
24. Lenin V.I. Polnoe sobranie sochinenij: V 55 t. T. 51. M.:Izd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1970. – 574 s.[Lenin, V.I. Polnoe sobranie sochinenij: V 55 t. T. 51 [Complete Set of Works. In 55 vols. Vol. 51]. Moscow, Izd-vo polit. lit-ry Publ., 1970, 574 p.]
25. Filosofov D.V. Vechno gonimaya // Nash vek. 1918. 12 (25) yanvarya. № 7 (32). S. 2. [Philosophov, D.V. [Always Persecuted]. Nash vek [Our Century]. 1918, 12 (25) January, No 7 (32), P. 2.]
26. Filosofov D.V. Skvernyj anekdot // Nash vek. 1918. 3 maya (20 aprelya). № 88 (112). S. 1. [Philosophov, D.V. [A Bad Anecdote]. Nash vek [Our Century]. 1918, 3 May (20 April), No 88 (112), P. 1.]
27. Literaturnaya zhizn' Rossii 1920-h godov. Sobytiya. Otzyvy sovremennikov. Bibliografiya. T. 1. Ch. 1. Moskva i Petrograd.1917–1920 / Otv. red. A.Yu. Galushkin. M.: IMLI RAN, 2005. – 766 s. [Galushkin, A.Yu. (Ed.) Literaturnayazhizn\' Rossii 1920-h godov. Sobytiya. Otzyvy sovremennikov. Bibliografiya. T. 1. Ch. 1. Moskva i Petrograd. 1917–1920 [Literary Life of Russia in the 1920s. Developments. Reviews of Contemporaries. Bibliography. Vol. 1. Part 1. Moscow and Petrograd. 1917– 1920]. Moscow, IMLI RAN Publ., 2005, 766 p.]
28. Filosofov D.V. Poluburzhuj // Nash vek. 1918. 25 yan- varya (7 fevralya). № 18 (43). S. 1. [Philosophov, D.V. [Half-hearted]. Nash vek [Our Century]. 1918, 25 January (7 February), No 18 (43), P. 1.]
29. Filosofov D.V. Neozhidannaya vstrecha // Nash vek. 1918. 16 (3) iyunya. № 94 (118). S. 1. [Philosophov, D.V. [Unexpected Meeting]. Nash vek [Our Century]. 1918, 16 (3) June, No 94 (118), P. 1.]
30. Filosofov D.V. O lzhi // Rech'. 1917. 1 (14) oktyabrya. № 231 (3973). S. 1‒2. [Philosophov, D.V. [About Lies]. Rech’ [Speech]. 1917, 1 (14) October, No 231 (3973), P. 1‒2.]
31. Filosofov D.V. Nechto pessimisticheskoe // Nash vek. 1918. 18 (5) iyunya. № 95 (119). S. 1‒2. [Philosophov, D.V. [Something Pessimistic]. Nash vek [Our Century]. 1918, 18 (5) June, No 95 (119), P. 1‒2.]
32. Filosofov D.V. Duha ne ugashajte // Rech'. 1917. 14 (27) marta. № 62 (3804). S. 3. [Philosophov, D.V. [Do not Quench the Spirit]. Rech’ [Speech]. 1917, 14 (27) March, No 62 (3804), P. 3.]
33. Filosofov D.V Staryj i novyj hleb // Nash vek. 1918. 2 avgusta. № 133 (157). S. 2.[Philosophov, D.V. [Old and New Bread]. Nash vek [Our Century]. 1918, 2 August, No 133 (157), P. 2.]
34. Filosofov D.V. Posle panihidy // Nash vek. 1918. 16 (29) yanvarya. № 10 (35). S. 1. [Philosophov, D.V. [After the Requiem]. Nash vek [Our Century]. 1918, 16 (29) January, No 10 (35), P. 1.]
35. Filosofov D.V. Rozhdestvenskij moleben // Rech'. 1917. 6 (19) yanvarya. № 5 (3747). S. 2. [Philosophov, D.V. [Christmas Moleben]. Rech’ [Speech]. 1917, 6 (19) January, No 5 (3747), P. 2.]
36. Filosofov D.V. <rec.:> I.T. Tarasov. Samoderzhavie i absolyutizm. M., 1917 // Rech'. 1917. 24 yanva- rya (6 fevralya). № 22 (3764). S. 5. [Philosophov, D.V. [ I.T. Tarasov. Autocracy and Absolutism. M., 1917]. Rech’ [Speech]. 1917, 24 January (6 February), No 22 (3764), P. 5.]
37. Filosofov D.V. Neobhodimyj cerkovno-pravitel'stvennyj akt // Rech'. 1917. 8 (21) marta. № 57 (3799). S. 2. [Philosophov, D.V. [Necessary Church- Government Act]. Rech’ [Speech]. 1917, 8 (21) March, No 57 (3799), P. 2.]
38. Filosofov D.V. Opasnye polumery // Rech'. 1917. 9 (22) aprelya. № 82 (3824). S. 3–4. [Philosophov, D.V. [Dangerous Half Measures]. Rech’ [Speech]. 1917, 9 (22) April, No 82 (3824), P. 3‒4.]
39. Filosofov D.V. Cerkovnyj sobor // Rech'. 1917. 15 (28) avgusta. № 190 (3932). S. 2. [Philosophov, D.V. [Church Meeting]. Rech’ [Speech]. 1917, 15 (28) August, No 190 (3932), P. 2.]
40. Filosofov D.V. Nezametnoe chudo // Nash vek. 1918. 31 iyulya. № 131 (155). S. 1‒2. [Philosophov, D.V. [An Insignificant Miracle]. Nash vek [Our Century]. 1918, 31 July, No 131 (155), P. 1‒2.]
41. Filosofov D.V. Novyj front // Nash vek. 1918. 20 yanvarya (2 fevralya). № 14 (39). S. 1. [Philosophov, D.V. [The New Front]. Nash vek [Our Century]. 1918, 20 January (2 February), No 14 (39), P. 1.]
42. Filosofov D.V. O lampadnom masle i prochem // Nash vek. 1918. 21 (8) iyulya. № 123 (147). S. 1. [Philosophov, D.V. [About the Lamp Oil and Other Things]. Nash vek [Our Century]. 1918, 21 (8) July, No 123 (147), P. 1.]
43. Filosofov D.V. Zolotaya skazka // Nash vek. 1918. 27 (14) iyunya. № 102 (126). S. 1‒2. [Philosophov, D.V. [The Golden Tale]. Nash vek [Our Century]. 1918, 27 (14) June, No 102 (126), P. 1‒2.]
44. Filosofov D.V. Konchina mitropolita // Nash vek. 1918. 17 (4) fevralya. № 27 (52). S. 1‒2.[Philosophov, D.V. [The Death of the Metropolitan]. Nash vek [Our Century].1918, 17 (4) February, No 27 (52), P. 1‒2.]
45. Filosofov D.V. Barometr // Nash vek. 1918. 11 maya (28 aprelya). № 93 (117). S. 1. [Philosophov, D.V. [Barometer]. Nash vek [Our Century]. 1918, 11 May (28 April), No 93 (117), P. 1.]
46. Gippius-Merezhkovskaya Z. Dmitrij Merezhkovskij. Parizh: YMCA-PRESS, 1951. – 310 s. [Gippius- Merezhkovskaya, Z. Dmitrij Merezhkovskij [Dmitry Merezhkovsky] Paris, YMCA-PRESS Publ., 1951, 310 p.]
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