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In this article we will examine the influence of Alexander Herzen, perhaps the most famous Russian émigré of the 19th century, on the worldview of Vladislav Khodasevich and on the poetics of the latter’s poetry written in emigration. In this study it will be shown that Herzen’s relationship to the Europe of his day and its bourgeois values and political programs was a model for Khodasevich and influenced some of the poems in European Night. The title of this collection of poems and many features of its poetics (the position of the observer, the description of the “deformity” of European culture, political themes that occasionally appear) illustrate Khodasevich’s indebtedness to the works of Herzen. In this article we will also investigate Khodasevich’s social and political views and discuss the question of the pragmatics of his poems written in emigration.
Vladislav Khodasevich, Alexander Herzen, European Night, Russian and the West, poetics, Russian émigré literature, satire poetry, the perception of emigrants in the Soviet Union, Nikolay Nekrasov
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