1. Antopolskii, A.B., Efremenko, D.V. Infosfera obschestvennykh nauk Rossii: monografiya.; pod red. V.A. Tsvetkovoj [Infosphere of Social Sciences in Russia. Tsvetkova, V.A., Ed.]. Moscow, Berlin, Direkt-media Publ., 2017. 676 p. ISBN 978-5-4475-9218-9 DOI 10.23681/468227 (In Russ.)
2. Antopolskii, A.B., Efremenko, D.V. K voprosu o edinom elektronnom prostranstve znanij [The Uniform Electronic Knowledge Space]. Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk [Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences], 2018, Vol. 88, No 2, pp. 163-170 DOI: 10.7868/s086958731802007x (In Russ.); [Transl. into Engl.] Antopol'skii, A.B. & Efremenko, D.V. The Uniform Electronic Knowledge Space Revisited, Her. Russ. Acad. Sci. (2018) 88: 89. https://doi.org/10.1134/s1019331618010070
3. Antopolskii, A.B., Kalenov, N.E., Serebryakov, V.A., Sotnikov, A.N. Tochka zreniya o edinom tsifrovom prostranstve nauchnykh znanij [A Point of View on the Uniform Electronic Knowledge Space]. Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk [Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences]. 2019. (In Print) (In Russ.)
4. Antopolskii, A.B., Efremenko, D.V. O sozdanii sovremennoj tsifrovoj infrastruktury dlya khraneniya i analiza nauchno-tekhnicheskoj informatsii [On Creation of Modern Digital Infrastructure for Storage and Analyse of Scientific-and-Technical Information]. Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya informatsiya, ser.1 [Scientific-and-Technical Information, Series 1], 2019, No 6. (In Print) (In Russ.)
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