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12. Vodarsky, V.A. Materialy dlya slovarya pushkinskogo prozaicheskogo yazyka [Materials for the Dictionary of Pushkin’s Prosaic Language]. Filologicheskie zapiski [Philological Notes]. Voronezh, 1901–1905. (In Russ.)
13. Savodnik, V.F. K voprosu o pushkinskom slovare: doklad, chitannyj v zasedanii pushkinskoj komissii moskovskogo obschestva lyubitelej rossijskoj slovesnosti [To the Question of Pushkin Dictionary: A Report Given at the Meeting of the Pushkin Commission of the Moscow Society of Admires of Russian Literature]. Izvestiya otdeleniya rus. yazyka i slovesnosti AN [Bulletin of the Branch of the Russian Language and Literature of the Academy of Sciences]. Moscow, 1904, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 143–182. (In Russ.)
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20. Samyj polnyj obschedostupnyj slovotolkovatel i obyasnitel 150 000 inostrannykh slov, voshedshikh v russkij yazyk. 7-e izd. [The Most Complete Popular Word Reader and Explainer of 150 000 Foreign Words Included into the Russian Language. 7th Ed.]. St. Petersburg, N.N. Bulganov’s Print., 1903. 758 p. (In Russ.)
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31. Seitliyev, K. Ashkhabad. Per. s turkmenskogo G. Shengeli [Ashgabat. Transl. from Turkmen by G. Shengeli]. Lit. gazeta [Literary Newspaper]. 1944, Dec. 16, p. 1. (In Russ.)
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33. Verharen, E. Pyl (“Kogda dejstvitelno svoj vzor tysyacheokij...ˮ). Per. G. Shengeli [Passion (“Kogda deistvitelno svoy vzor tysyacheoky...”). Transl. by G. Shengeli]. Lit. gazeta [Literary Newspaper]. 1955, May 21, p. 1. (In Russ.)
34. RGALI [The Russian State Archive of Literature and Art]. F. 619 (Zhurnal “Oktyabrˮ) [Journal “October”]. Reg. 1, No. 1845. (In Russ.)
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40. Vasilyev, N.L., Zhatkin, D.N. Slovar poeticheskogo yazyka E.A. Baratynskogo [A Dictionary of the Poetic Language of E.A. Baratynsky]. Moscow, Flinta, Nauka Publ., 2018. 156 p. (In Russ.)
41. Bayevsky, V.S. Spravochnye trudy po poezii Pushkina i ego sovremennikov [Reference Works on the Poetry of Pushkin and His Contemporaries]. Vremennik pushkinskoj komissii [Annual of the Pushkin Commission]. Issue 24. Leningrad, Nauka Publ., 1991, pp. 65–79. (In Russ.)
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