Additional sources and materials
1. Diffloth G. Austro-Asiatic languages // Encyclopaedia Britannica. Chicago; London; Toronto; Geneva, 1974.
2. Hopper P., Traugott E. Grammaticalization. Cambridge textbooks in linguistics. Cambridge University Press, 1993.
3. Long Seam. Issledovaniya po leksikologii i grammatike drevnekhmerskogo yazyka (po nadpisyam Kambodzhi VI-XIV vv.). M.: Nauka, 1989.
4. Diffloth G. The Dvaravati Old Mon Language and Nyah Kur. Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University printing house, 1984.
5. Pinnow H. A comparative study of the verb in the Munda languages // Studies in Comparative Austroasiatic Linguistics. Ed. N. Zide. Mouton, 1966.
6. Donegan P. Rhythm and vocalic drift in Munda and Mon-Khmer // Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area. 1993. 16. 1.
7. Coedes G. Inscriptions du Cambodge. Paris: Ecole Francaise D\"Extreme-Orient, 1951-1966. V. 3-8.
8. Long Siem. Panhha vacanasapvitya khmae (Problems de lexicologie Khmere). Phnom Penh, 1999.
9. Neukom L. Santali. Munchen: Linkom Europa, 2001.
10. Roberts H. A grammar of the Khassi language. London, 1891. Reprinted by Asian Educational Services, New Delhi; Madras, 2000.
11. Milne L. An Elementary Palaung Grammar. Oxford, 1921.
12. Whitehead G. Dictionary of the Car-Nicobarese language. Rangoon, 1925.
13. Burenhult N. Unitizer and nominalizer: the /n/ affix in Jahai // The Fifth International Symposium on Languages and Linguistics. Ho Chi Minh City. 2000, Nov. 16-17.
14. Schebesta P., Blagden S. Grammatical sketch of the Jahai dialect, spoken by a negrito tribe of Ulu Perak and Ulu Kelantan, Malay Peninsula // Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London. V. 4. № 4. 1928.
15. Banker E. Bahnar Affixation // Mon-Khmer Studies I. Saigon, 1964.
16. Kruspe N. A Grammar of Semelai. Cambridge Grammatical Descriptions. Cambridge University Press, 2004.
17. Paducheva E.V. Vyskazyvanie i ego sootnesennost' s dejstvitel'nost'yu. M.: Nauka, 1985.
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