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The article discusses innovations in N. Karamizin’s poetic practice, with a particular focus on innovations in verse and specific metrical patterns in Karamzin’s works. A comparative statistic analysis of metrical data collected from the entire corpus of Karamzin’s poems, on the one hand, and the verse of Russian 18th-early 19th century poets revealed that Karamzin was rigorously working to revive the Russian verse, in contrast to the majority of his contemporaries. The article identifies key dimensions of Karamzin’s metrical experiments, which have been overlooked so far. This allows us to conclude that by denying conventional poetic traditions, Karamzin established a unique metrical system that was to play its role in the transition from the Classic to the Romantic Period and, to a large degree, shaped Russian metrics in the early 19th century.
Literary studies, poetics, prosody, verse theory, history of Russian literature, history of Russian verse
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