Additional sources and materials
Istrina, E.S. [A.A. Shakhmatov’s Study of Syntax] А.A. Shakhmatov. Syntaxis russkogo jazyka. 3-je izd. [A.A. Shakhmatov. Syntax of the Russian Language. Third edition.] Moscow: Editorial URSS Publ., 2001. 624 p.
Vinogradov, V.V. [The History of the Russian Literary Language Depicted by A.A. Shakhmatov] Vinogradov, V.V. Istoria russkogo literaturnogo jazyka. Izbrannyje trudy. [The History of the Russian Literary Language. Selected Works] Moscow: “Nauka” Publ., 1978. – 320 p.
Kareva, N.V. [The Authorial Dictionaries in France of the 19th Century] Materialy metajazykovogo seminara ILI RAN 2014 [The Proceedings of the Meta-language Workshop in the Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2014] St. Petersburg, Helicon-plus Publ., 2015. – 205 p.
[Shakhmatov, А.А. Zapiska ob izdanii slovarya russkogo yazyka [Report about the Publishing of the Russian Language Dictionary] .- [Аkademik А.А. Shakhmatov: zhizn', tvorchestvo, nauchnoe nasledie (k 150-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya) [Academician A.A. Shakhmatov: A Life, Creativity, Scholarly Heritage (On the 150th Birth Anniversary)] St. Petersburg, Nestor-Historia Publ., 2015. 1040 р.
Rogozhnikova, R. P. Sokrovishhnitsa russkogo slova. Istoriya bol'shoj slovarnoj kartoteki Instituta lingvisticheskih issledovanij RАN [A Depository of the Russian Words. The history of the Large Vocabulary Index of Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences] St. Petersburg, “Nauka Publ.”, 2003. 106 p.
Shestakova, L.L. Russkaya avtorskaya leksikografiya: teoriya, istoriya, sovremennost' [The Russian Author Lexicography: A Theory, a History, and the Present] Moscow, LRC Publishing House, 2011. 464 p.
Shakhmatov, A.A. Neskol'ko slov po povodu zapiski I. Kh. Pakhmana [A Few Words about the Letter of Mr. I. Kh. Pakhman] Sbornik Otdeleniya russkogo yazyka i slovesnosti Tom 76, № 1 [The Collected works of the Department of the Russian Language and Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences] Vol. 76, # 1. St. Petersburg, 1899. 39 p.
Kulyabko, E.S. [Lomonosov Anniversary Celebrations in 1911] Literaturnoe tvorchestvo M.V. Lomonosova: Issledovaniya i materialy [Literary Works of M.V. Lomonosov] M.; L.: the Academy of Sciences Publ., 1962. 317 p.
Belorussov, I.M. Pis'ma akademiku А.А. Shakhmatovu 1910–1918 gg. [Correspondence with Academician А.А. Shakhmatov, Years 1910–1918] The Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St.Petersburg Branch. Collection 134, inventory 3, # 108].
Priemysheva, M.N. [Iz starykh uchebnikov: I. Belorussov. Uchebnik po russkoj grammatike. Etimologiya [From the Old Textbooks: I. Belorussov. A Textbook on the Russian Grammar. Etymology] Russian Language in School and at Home. 2013. № 4. p. 7–9; № 5. p. 6–9; № 6. p. 7–10; № 7. p. 3–6.
Shmelev, I.S. Solntse mertvykh. Ehpopeya.- Puti nebesnye. Izbrannye proizvedeniya [The Sun of the Dead. Epopee. - Celestial Roads. Selected Works] Moscow: Sovietsky Pisatel’ Publ., 1991. 592 p.
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