1. Gasparov, M.L. Ocherk istorii russkogo stikha: Metrika. Ritmika. Rifma. Strofika [Essay on the history of Russian verse: Metric. Rhythm. Rhyme. Strophic]. 2nd ed. Moscow, Fortuna Limited Publ., 2000. 351 p. (In Russ.)
2. Mysl, vooruzhennaya rifmami: Poeticheskaya antologiya po istorii russkogo stikha [Thought Armed with Rhymes: Poetic Anthology on the History of Russian Verse]. Ed. by V.E. Kholshevnikov. 2nd ed. Leningrad, Leningradskiy un-t Publ.,1987. 608 p. (In Russ.)
3. Vishnevsky, K.D. Arkhitektonika russkogo stikha XVIII – pervoy poloviny XIX v. [Architectonics of the Russian Verse of the 18th – First Half of the 19th Century]. Issledovaniya po teorii i istorii stikha [Studies on the Theory and History of Verse]. Leningrad, Nauka Publ., 1978, pp. 48–66. (In Russ.)
4. Derzhavin, G.R. Sochineniya [Works]. Vol. 1–4. St. Petersburg, 1808. (In Russ.)
5. Derzhavin, G.R. Sochineniya [Works]. Vol. 5. St. Petersburg, 1816. (In Russ.)
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